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Writer's pictureNoel Lorenz



Round of 16

Topic : Dead Leaves

Lines Limit : 10 Lines

Language : English or Hindi

Time : 1 PM to 2 PM




Heading of Poem

10 Line Poems

Poem The dead leaves remind me of my past.

Which keeps haunting me.

The dead leaves remind me of my childhood days which I still remember.

The dead leaves remind me that life is like a dead leaf.

The dead leaves makes me think of the deadly past .

The dead leaves remind me that I am like a dead leaf.

Which can't be changed .

The dead leaves make me thoughtful .

And make me a tyrant .

The dead leaves assure me that I am stronger.

And nothing can dull my happiness.


Dead leaves

The dead leaves remind me of people's pain,

Who can't even buy a handkerchief to remove their stains .

Dipped in the ash of their beloved pyre,

Who became an easy prey for someone's evil desire.

These dead leaves question me day and night,

That why I have become so weak in this fight.

Have I become an enhunch in my mind,

That I am finding it tough to grind this notorious bunch.

Who are exploiting poor just for their lunch.

Its crunch time to end this with a punch , before their hands are soaked in blood.

Vibhor Bijoy


Anyone Who Thinks that Fallen leaves are Dead and have no Life, Has Not watched Them Dancing on a Windy Day. There is a Subtle magic In Falling of Old Leaves. It Also Shows Us all the Sense of LET GO What Trees Do By Leaving Old Fallen Leaves. We All Must know and Seek the Complex Nature's Love and Let Go Senses.


Apoorba Chaturvedi

Topic: Dead Leaves

Nobody in this world grieves,

Looking at the dead leaves,

What good are dead leaves,

Seeing them memories of past every heart receives,

I but love these dead leaves,

As take away all my wounds like thieves,

When crushed beneath my shoes,

Makes me realise which path should I choose,

I know people are also like the dead leaves,

Because this is what my soul believes.

©Apoorba Chaturvedi

Samrat Arora

Topic: Dead leaves

Like a dead leave ,

The painful life us veining

A shower full of tear ,

The ungreet life is raining

Unless the cemetery brightens,

The leaves got fire

A moment of last arena,

The unwanted , emotional sattire

Yelling a dialogue of love and grief

Sign of life narration - in brief

A dead leaf

You made your life miserable, and there, your greenery of fame has started fading away.

Your life was very precious, but now it is wilting away fast.

The nutrients of positivity have now been gone, and now I am shocked how you are wilting fast!

I feel pity for you, and wanted to give the essence of positive vibes,

But you haven't been ready all the time, and I wait for you to change.

Hope my advices would make you understand, and I know a change for the good would happen to you.

Abhiram B.


Nature is the most dazzling Device of the god,

Its charm defines the wellness of the earth.

Let the dead leaves dance when the new wind blows,

Don't disturb river in its flows.

Take care of its needs

As it did ours.

Save nature, save

Our mother


~Shreya Vij

सूखे पत्ते,,,

सूखे पत्तों सी थी बेजान ज़िंदगी हमारी,

उसमे जान भरदि है मोहब्बत ने तुम्हारी,

बिन सहारे हार मानकर कर टूटने लगे थे,

ए दुनियां की महफ़िल से वास्ता छुटने लगे थे,

इस दिल के टुकड़ों को प्यार से जोड़ा है तुमने,

मेरे सपनो को पंख देकर उड़ना सिखाया है तुम्हीने,

इस मासूम दिल को धड़कना याद दिलाया है तुमने,

अश्कों को छिपाकर बस होटों से मुस्कुराते थे,दिल से मुस्कुराकर खुशियों को ढूंढना है ये बताया है तुमने,

खुदको को जीवन के राह में सीचना है हमें इस सच्चाई से रूबरू कराया है हमें।।

©Dr. Nikita Dudagi

Jagrit Jaiswal

Insta I'd:- @your_known_lover1


I became dead leaves in her love...

I wanted to send my letter by a dove,

I wanted to say my word with a move;

But I couldn't say anything and stayed with hove,

I became dead leaves in her love...

Once in front of her I want my feelings to be unwove,

But people were around us like a grove;

And I couldn't say any word at that move,

I became dead leaves in her love...

Name :- Ankit Gupta

Heading/ Title/ shirshak :- सूखे पत्ते :-

पेड़ो पर हैं ये लगते और जमीन पर ये गिर जाते,

ये पत्ते सूखकर भी काम में हैं आ जाते,

हरे भरे जब ये होते तो पेड़ की ये शोभा बढ़ाते,

पर सुख जाए जब तो पेड़ से ये अलग हो जाते,

बिना कुछ कहे अपनी जिंदगी ये हैं बिताते,

किसी के पैर के नीचे तो किसी कोने में पाए जाते,

सूखने के बाद ये पत्ते किसी को भी नहीं भाते,

सब इसको कचरा कहके हैं बुलाते पर ये फिर भी सब कुछ हैं सह जाते,

अक्सर ये अपनी सहूलियत के हिसाब से इस्तेमाल किए जाते,

पत्ते हैं ये अपने जीवन भर में बहुत कुछ कर जाते।

_©️Daredevil Shayar

Name - Nikhil Jain

वृक्ष प्रतिरूप जीवन का

सुख कर झड़ गए शाखों से पात, कुसूर पेड़ का था या शाखाओं का,

क्या नहीं मिला उचित पोषण उन्हें या उनकी उम्र ने उन्हें थका दिया,

ये जो वृक्ष है, जीवन का प्रतिरूप ही तो है, और हम शाखाओं का,

मृत, बेजान, सुखी पत्तियां दर्शाती है जीवन में उदासीनता का घेरा,

हरियाली प्रदर्शित करती हंसी, खुशी, सुख, चैन, आनंद व संतुष्टि,

हम फिर भी समेट कर रखते है दुख, दर्द, लालच, मोह, लालसा,

कितना खूबसूरत लगेगा जीवन यदि मृत पत्तियां झाड़ दिए जाए,

तभी तो आगमन होगा जीवन में खुशहाली के नए अवसर का,

हम खुद ही समेटे रखते है भंडार बेमानी अभिलाषाओं का,

सिखाते है ये वृक्ष, शाख, पत्ते, सार सम्पूर्ण जीवन के सुकून का।।

©Nikhil Jain ️


Title: सुखे पत्ते जैसा है इनसान

कब जुड़ा कब बिछड़ा है इनसान

Write up:

सुखे पत्ते जैसा है इनसान

कब जुड़ा कब बिछड़ा है इनसान

ऐ उपरवाले कब सुधरेंगा ये इनसान

इनसानीयत को आज-कल तबाह कर रहा इनसान

गरीबों को परेशान

और अमीरों का हर काम आसान

ये ऐसा क्यूँ करता है इनसान

कैसे हो रही है धरती बरबाद

कर रहा है इनसान अपना घर आबाद

किसी बेबस की बेबसी का फायदा उठाता है

किसी मासूम को क्यू रुलाता है इनसान

सुखे पत्ते जैसा है इनसान

कब जुड़ा कब बिछड़ा है इनसान


मुरझाए हुए

क्यूँ लगते हो मुरझाए हुए?

कई सपनों में भरमाए हुए।

सपनों से बाहर तो निकलो,

ऐ हँसने को तरसाए हुए!

क्यूँ लगते हो तड़पाए हुए?

आँखों से अश्रु बहाए हुए।

खुद के दुखों को चखनेवाले,

ऐ सौ दफा ठुकराए हुए!

सारे ग़मों को ताख चढाकर,

मंज़िल तक चलो हर्षाए हुए।

-Effortless Talent (Alok Pandey)


Quarter Finals

Topic : The lost key

Lines Limit : 10 Lines

Language : English or Hindi

Time : 3 PM to 4PM




Heading of Poem

10 Line Poems


The lost key which is my childhood can't be returned to me now.

Those days were pure bliss.

The carefree and careless days were something that made me happy.

The lost key to my playful days as a kid .

Is something I always want to remember and cherish.

The lost key is just lost right now.

Thinking of that lost key makes me sob so much .

And it makes me weep inconsolably.

The lost key once lost can't be found again .

It's just like  a lost lover.


Samrat Arora

The lost key

The flavour of deepness and love,

A divine soul and blushing dove

The lost key of happiness came to my lap,

Filled with joy my emptied gap

Bliss of life adds a emotion,

Unless we realise the real commotion,

Sweetness of honey of a bee ,

The growing tense life , still having a lifelong key

But still backed for the money ,

Forgetting the realness - you and we

Apoorba Chaturvedi

Topic: The Lost Key

I want to find that lost key,

I must find it in order to be free,

Now that the darkness creeps me out,

I know that nobody will hear me shout,

Imprisoned in my own world of fear,

I sincerely think this is all I can bear,

Day by day I grow weak,

I hear voices in my head speak,

Find the lost key because what you sow so shall you reap,

There is no time here for you to weep.

©Apoorba Chaturvedi

That Lost Key

I accidentally lost one key,

Without realizing how much treasure is inside the box.

I never cared onto the lost key,

Until, I started knowing what was inside it.

It was a surprise that could change me forever,

And upgrade me to the next level,

But alas! Without the key,

I am not able to upgrade myself.

Hope if I cared about that valuable key,

My life could have been made different, for the better.

Abhiram B.

Name:- Jagrit Jaiswal

Insta I'd:- @your_known_lover1


When she went away from me,

It was like the lost key…

It gave a pain to me,

For me it was a painful journey;

Which I couldn't bear with smiley…

When she went away from me,

It was like the lost key…

I tried so hard to be happily,

But I failed at every valley;

And It was like the lost key…

खुशियों की चाभी!

लगता है वो कहीं खो गया।

चलते-चलते कहीं सो गया।

दुख को क्षण में हरने वाला,

मेरी बाहों में कल रो गया।

वो ज़ख्मों को अपने धो गया।

कल ज़ख्मी होकर के जो गया।

इन आँखों में आँसू भर गए,

कल निहत्था मारा जब वो गया।

ग़मों के इसी घनेरी धुंध में,

खुशी है कि मिल वो गया।

- Effortless Talent (Alok Pandey)


Semi Finals

Topic : Old Apple Tree

Lines Limit : 10 Lines

Language : English or Hindi

Time : 5 PM to 6 PM




Heading of Poem

10 Line Poems

Apoorba Chaturvedi

Topic: Old Apple Tree

The memories of my old apple tree,

Always brought by the wound on my knee,

It leads me to the day days of happiness straight,

When there was only love and no hate,

My parents then we're living together,

No matter what was the weather,

Here are only broken pieces of them,

No where to be found the relationship which once was a gem,

Now I am left alone with the old apple tree,

My only friend who doesn't pity me.

©Apoorba Chaturvedi


The Old Apple Tree

That old apple tree in my garden,

Has never been tired of its sweet apples,

And they were the ones

Who cured my hunger whenever I was alone.

Now my age has been advancing,

And so does the tree's;

Now its on the verge of senescence

And I will miss its sweet apples.

But there is a new apple tree on the rise,

And I always hope its apples would be the same.

Abhiram B.

Samrat Arora

पुराने सेब के पेड़


पुराने सेब के पेड़ मन मे आते हैं ,

जब भी जीवन के खट्टे मीठे पल याद आते हैं।

घर के आंगन में वो लाली ले आते थे ,

गर्म धूप में वो रिश्तो का एहसास कराते थे ।

कम चाहत मे जीवन को स्वाद बनाते थे ,

यूँ ही नहीं वो पेड़, हमारे दोस्त बन जाते थे ।

जीवन की चक्रवात से लड़कर जीतना सिखाते थे,

जीवन के हर अंधेरे को वो सीचकर रोशन कर जाते थे ।

अंधे मानव के जीवन को हरियाली से सजाते रहे ,

पैसे मे अंधी दुनिया को सच्चा आईना दिखाते रहे

'बुढ़ा पेड़'

इन राहों में ज़िन्दगी की अकेला खड़ा है।

न जाने कितनी मुश्किलों से वो लड़ा है।

देखे है उसने भी हर रूप जिंदगी के,

कई बार दुखों में वो अचानक पड़ा है।

खुद को कठिनाइयों में उसने भी रगड़ा है।

अपनों की खातिर उसने देखा अनेकों लफड़ा है।

फिर उसी के छोटे से पेट की खातिर,

इस घर-परिवार में ये कैसा झगड़ा है?

कभी रुक कर उसके कर्मों को तो देखो,

कर्मक्षेत्र में उसका सब कुछ तगड़ा है।

- EffortlessTalent (Alok Pandey)


The finalist are💥💥💥🔥💥💥💥

Abhiram vs ALOK💥💥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Every writer is a gem🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩

Thank you all for writing with fire💥💥🔥🔥

💥💥💥we enjoyed so much and every writer is precious and winner, don't forget this🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥



Topic : creative poetry saying your biography

रचनात्मक कविता आपके जीवन परिचय पर

Lines Limit : 10 Lines

Language : English or Hindi

Time : 6:30PM to 8 PM




Heading of Poem

10 Line Poems

इक मधुर गीत अनजान!

लिख रहा हूँ जीवन परिचय लेकर प्रभु का नाम।

आशा है रखेंगे प्रभु, मेरे प्यारे शब्दों का मान।

शुरुआती दौर में हम भी हुए थे कभी बदनाम।

फिर बाद में हमने भी लगायी अपनी पूरी जान।

पहले तो हम भी थे, बिलकुल ही अनजान।

फिर हमने भी गाया था, मधुर प्रेम का गान।

दिल के खेल में लगाया अनगिनत अनोखे जाम।

दिल में उन्हें बसाना है हमने लिया था ठान।

प्यार में पड़कर हमने भी किए, कई अनोखे काम।

आशिकी बेहद करके भी गिरने दिये ना अपनी शान।

- Effortless Talent (Alok Pandey)

An foreign-born Indian Medico's life

He's called Abhiram,

Named after Lord Ram.

Born in a foreign country,

Yet had Indian blood in his veins.

He was a person of many abilities and ambitions,

But he was always restricted;

Until he came into college and writing field,

And made good friends with various people.

His wish is to be an all-rounder,

Not in all, but in where he is best.

Abhiram B.

💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥Congratulations 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥

🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥Winner of the Inter-state champions💥💥

ALOK Pandey💥💥💥💥💥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

A round of applause for him


Everyone is a gem, writing is a fire and you All can fire with your pen 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Finalist Abhiram played so well🔥🔥🔥🔥

there's a surprise for two of them💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥

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